Captain sedang mengerjakan UTBK (SNBT 2024)

Captain sedang mengerjakan UTBK (SNBT 2024)
kapten aja tes, masak kamu instan

Tuesday, September 5, 2023



I. Choose the right option!

Rudi : Hi , Sam?
Sam : Hello , Rudi?
Rudi : Are you ? I heard you just came back from Madura?
Sam : Yes i’m trying to become a travel blogger, by the way not from madura, I just came back from Kalimantan
Rudi : Kalimantan? Borneo? What a great place it is!
Sam : That’s right!
Rudi : What is Kalimantan like?
Sam : Very beautiful and place. There are so many interesting places, a nature that has not been touched by humans yet.
Rudi : Wow, very interesting. What’s in there?
Sam : There are so many beautiful places such as, Derawan Archipelago, Kumala Island, Maratua Island, Sangalaki Island, Lemukutan Island, Pine Island, and many more.
Rudi : Cool, what an amazing place
Sam : Do you know? .... Kakaban island is an uninhabited island in Kalimantan. It is one island in the Indonesian archipelago that has a lake where stingless live. It was simply amazing.Listening
Rudi : really? A saltwater lake? ... great!!!. Wait the minute, you said Stingless Jellyfish?
Sam : Yeah, We have so much fun swimming with the jellyfish, there are 4 species of jellyfish and they are so adorable. It is too bad, the jellyfish population has reduced massively in recent years. The main reason is because people swim around with their fins and hit the jellyfish, so, please don’t use fins when swimming here and don’t touch the jellyfish, even though they are less and so adorable.
Rudi : What a Pity. I couldn’t agree more with you, we have to pay attention to the species, to protect that species from extinction. Sam : Agreed Rudi : thank you for your great story Sam : Anytime Rudi

II. Answer the question briefly!
1. What is the conversation mostly about?

2. What does the speaker imply about Kalimantan?

3. What special things can you find on Kakaban island?

4. Where is the exact location of Kakaban Island?

5. What does the speaker imply about Stingless jellyfish?

6. Retell the story about Kalimantan based on the conversation that you just heard!

Wednesday, February 9, 2022


PENILAIAN AKHIR TAHUN Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris 2022

=Garuda CPNS

Petunjuk Pengerjaan PAT 2022

Semester GENAP 2022

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